Ngo Thi Minh Huong, PhD
From 2010 to 2014, Dr. Huong held the position of Director of CDI. Ngo Huong gained PhD in Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University, Thailand. T She has the following academic qualifications: Master in Philosophy: Public International Laws – Faculty of Law, University of Oslo (2010), Norway. Master in Philosophy: Human Rights – Faculty of Law, University of Oslo (2010), Norway. Master of Development Management (MDM), Asian Institute of Management, Philippines, ADB Scholar (2003). Bachelor of Economics, Finance and Banking, National Economic University, Vietnam (1999). Bachelor of Arts (Foreign Languages), National University of Vietnam, (1995). Ngo Huong had 10 years in development work as an innovative development worker and social activist in Vietnam, gaining experiences from NGO work and donor’s operation. She worked as Poverty Specialist at the Asian Development Bank in Vietnam since 2004 and Governance Advisor to NORAD/Norwegian Embassy in Vietnam. Mrs. Ngo’s field of expertise is international laws, sociology of laws, good governance, transparency, human rights, other social sciences fields such as labor, migration and legal aid. She has extensive practical experiences in business development, strategic planning for local governments, participatory approach in development. She also has experiences in impact assessment, monitoring and evaluation and social audit..